Monday, March 10, 2014

Goodwill 50th Birthday Decorations

So, my little sister was turning 50, 
and we threw her a big ole' surprise party-

Fun to plan but boy was it hard to keep secret!!

Everyone likes a party 
and I love the planning,
 decorations and tablescapes-

Having a party in your home 
is always a great motivator in fixing up your place when 
company's coming-

Lots of secret texts and calls
 filled the last couple of weeks!

Every party needs a welcome sign or wreath-
I saw this idea on Pinterest-

I found a straw wreath at GW,
balloons at the dollar store-
and floral pins were a deal at Walmart-

This wreath couldn't be easier-
the simple supplies

Push the deflated balloons into the straw wreath-

Take a few and bunch the together-
I added a section of burlap for more texture

Curling ribbons added a touch of whimsy and 
celebrates the day!

A cute, simple welcome to the big party!

 I found a few more things at "my" Goodwill-outlet-

A beat up globe-

After cleaning it off, I painted it with chalkboard paint-

Gold stickers welcome the party guests and 
"Happy Birthday Ellen" was the starting point- 

 As guests arrived, I asked them to sign the globe
 with gold markers and at the end of the party, 
she had a "world" of memories!

An empty spinning frame-

I painted it white, added some unpainted candle cups
 and glued them as feet-
 I glittered a wooden Celebrate sign to top it off-
 inside the frame was a list of drinks 
available during the evening-

I also printed out some oldies but
 goodies of some favorite pics-
I cut out a big 50 out of foam core 
and glued the pics to cover the numbers- 
then taped it to black poster board-

  Overall, the party was a success-
 she was shocked but loved seeing all her family
 and the special friends in her life-

Happy Birthday Ellen!!

Take care, gotta fly-

Life on Lakeshore Drive

House on the Way