Monday, January 19, 2015

January blues

January is a hard month to enjoy-
the letdown after the Holidays, the cold, dreary days-lacking rays of sunlight- the frozen ground without sprigs of greenery- it's enough to make anyone want to hibernate-
it all combines into the January blues-

What's a person to do to avoid those dark winter blues?
I like to add a hint of spring to my home- a bunch of tulips always puts a smile on my face-my mom's favorite, 
so it makes me think of her-

A bunch of spring silk flowers will add color to a room,
 on a dark day-

Flower shaped pillows-

Repaint a small table- I found inspiration from this small ceramic plate

Scatter a nest or two, a simple yet certain 
sign of spring approaching-

It doesn't take a lot of money to add a 
touch of spring to your winter home-
 use what you have and by adding some small touches, thoughts turn to the future, sunshine brings smiles and your winter humdrum feelings just may be lifted with some simple changes-

Goodbye January blues!

Take care, gotta fly-

Happy House and Home

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