Tuesday, October 7, 2014


As I sit here thinking about what to write on my "family" day,
I realized that this 31 day writing challenge could have been all about this subject.

There's definitely too much to post for one day's worth.
Basically, taking a chance on my dreams wouldn't be possible without
my little nest.

My family is amazing.
They love me unconditionally.
Support all my wacky ideas.

They put up with a house filled with my etsy shop-
 sorry honey, don't mind that topiary towering over you at the kitchen table-
whoops is that a bead you just slipped on? 

My crafting has taken over the main floor in my house-
they have gotten used to the chaos and will set their plates down
among nests, pumpkins, witch hats, the sewing machine...
it's all a part of chasing my dream and 
they encourage me
cheer me on,
help out at fairs,
deal with all the chaos with humor-

My dreams are not theirs but you wouldn't know it-
They get as excited as I do when the "ka-ching" goes off on my phone
when I have an Etsy sale!

My dreams are mine but without my family-they would be meaningless-
They are my reason for chasing the dream.

My dreams are complete with my family
and I am blessed beyond dreams.

Take care, gotta fly-

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