Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pantry Clean up

I love to see all of your organizing tips-
although my word for the year is "organize"
I have yet to achieve that in my home
until today...

This is my horrid pantry-
a big 'ole mess
it hurts to show this mess off-
I even had a shoe holder filled with paints
hanging off the door-YUCK!

no beautiful french door will appear-
no wooden shelves
just a plain old shelf organizing
First step was to empty this out
and take out all the shelves.
Okay-now I wanted to brighten it up
 but only use what I have-
I had bought some pretty wrapping paper last year
but kept forgetting to use it-crazy, I know!

White birch trees on a crystal blue background with
cardinals scattered among the branches-

Mattie's checking it out-sorry no treats!
Love the birdies, don't you?
the shelves are now in order
it's certainly not the most beautiful
 I've seen online 
but it's clean, fresh and tidy- lol

This may not excite you
but I'm doing the happy dance!!

Take care, gotta fly-

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I love the paper idea! Mine needs organized so badly. Thanks for motivating me. I love it!


  2. This is what I need to dooo :)
    Thanks, Claire, now I feel more like doing it!

  3. Looks so much better! I love organizing. Love the wrapping paper!

  4. Claire I think it looks wonderful. Cute idea to use the wrapping paper and it certainly brightens up the pantry!

  5. What a clever idea and a lot cheaper than wallpaper! ~ Maureen

  6. This looks great! I love the wall paper. I redid my pantry last year, here...http://hamershappenings.blogspot.com/2011/02/pantry-re-organized.html

  7. I'd LOVE to have a pantry like that... and I love the wrapping paper.. how did you get it to stay in place ? Did I miss that part ? It looks fantastic...

    Aswesome job


  8. Claire it looks great,doesn't it make you feel good when you get organized.
    x jeanetteann

  9. I'm glad to see someone else gets as excited about organization as I do! I love the wrapping paper idea!

  10. I can totally relate to your excitement here! I worked on just organizing a few things in my laundry closet & was thrilled!

    Thanks for stopping over at my blog and becoming a follower and now I'm following you too!

  11. Love the organization! Don't you love it when you organize and how it makes you feel. Thanks for visiting and your nice comments.

  12. Good job organizing your pantry. It really makes life a whole lot easier. thanks for following my blog.

  13. Ohh! Love the birch tree paper! So smart, you are!

  14. I would be doing the happy dance, too if my pantry was organized! I plan to tackle mine next week!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today:)

  15. Nice way to brighten the pantry...even when it gets a little disorganized again. I always invite the cleaning/organizing fairies over while I'm at work. They never show up.


Thanks for your kind comments-love to hear from you!