my favorite night of the year!
The magic excites me
as I wait with anticipation
for the arrival of the jolly old man himself!!
I host my family that night-
it's a tradition
I will be hard pressed to ever give up-
although my 10 year old nephew, who lives across the street,
is always begging to swap!
(Little does he know it's a help
for all my sisters with little ones,
not to have to host the night
when the real guest of honor
will arrive after midnight!!)
So, as the wonderous night arrives-
I want to wish you and your families
a magical holiday
filled with the hope and joy
found on all the kids faces!!
Merry Christmas Claire, I have so many happy Christmas Eve Memories. It's so much fun to be a child that night. My G'ma always spent the night,so we could get an early start the next morning. PS Come by I have a vintage art journal giveaway to celebrate my 100 follower. Cindy