Friday, July 29, 2011

Freshening up

When you look around your house,
do you ever get that feeling that things need to be fixed,
you know, freshened up,
 to look clean and new again-

Some days, I think everything could use a touch up,
(including yours truly!)
So, I scrubbed down my potting table-
it's pretty color had aged over time -
being out in the elements-

I thought of staining it again, but
I need me some instant gratification-

you know what I mean,
"the instant" -a can of spray can give you!!
The transformation began-

Here it is with the 2nd coat on-

The final reveal-
what a difference a can of spray makes-
It's refreshed, renewed and revitalized!

Doesn't it look pretty?

I love what it does for that corner of my patio-
almost too pretty to work on! lol

Well, take care, gotta fly- Claire

I'm partying at....


  1. That turned out really well. A potting table looks so handy to have, it would save my back from bending all the time!I'm going to have to look out for one of those.

  2. Great transformation, and I love the color. Happy potting!

  3. What a difference that paint made! It looks great.

  4. Nice job! I just love potting benches!
    Susan @

  5. Thank you so much for being a part of Tales from Bloggeritaville’s Thrifty Thursday! I just LOVED your project and am featuring it in my Friday Flashback! I hope you will link back to my Thrifty Thursday in your post as a contributor.Its all about the link love! :)
    I sincerely appreciate you linking up. It’s not a party without guest! Thank you!
    I hope you will accept and display the Tales from Bloggeritaville feature button on your blog. YOu can find it on the Friday Flashback Post. It’s my way of saying “Thank YOU!”

    Tales from Bloggeritaville


Thanks for your kind comments-love to hear from you!