Saturday, April 23, 2011

I'm Smiling

Kristina is featuring me as her Smiley Blogger this week!!

First off, smile with me :) You made it through another week and deserve a big smile. You've got the whole weekend ahead of you so make it a good one! This week's featured Smiley Hopper is Claire from Bless My Nest!!
I asked Claire a few questions about herself and her blog so you could get to know a little bit about her.
 1) When did you first start blogging? Why? I began my own blog in Sept 2010 after blog stalking for nearly a year!!
2) What's your favorite part about blog hopping? I just love meeting new bloggers and the creativity out in bloggyville really blows my mind-I can't believe what I see everyday!
3) What's your favorite hobby My favorite hobby is home decorating-I'd love it to be my real job too!! 4) Who's your role model? Well, I have a few- my mom was my first-raising 5 kids and always seeming to keep it together is quite a task as a mom myself. I always admired the craftier women on TV-Kitty Bartholomew was one of the 1st woman I adored to watch on craft shows and lastly there are two bloggers that I can't get enough of - one is the Nester-she writes with true humor and her down to earth lifestyle makes me chuckle everytime I read her blog and the other is Thrifty Decor Chick-she makes everything happen in real time and with reality and humor, along the way!
How it Works * Follow Me and the Smiley Hopper of the week! (Spots 1 & 2) Leave us a comment with your blog url so that we can follow you back * Grab the Smile With Me Saturday button then post on your blog to give your new followers a place to comment * Add your blog to the list- (NOT YOUR BLOG HOP or GIVEAWAYS PLEASE) These entries will be deleted. * Follow as many blogs as you would like, Make sure you leave them a comment so they know you stopped by. Then Follow Back everyone that follows you & comments. You can link your blog every Saturday at 12am EST. Have fun!!


  1. I now have your smiley face on my blog I hope you will use mine to. Thanks for sharing and I enjoy this blog so far. Thanks again.


    Donna Scrapp'n Nana
    want to look, I would love you too.

  2. I'm following from the Hop congrats on being featured! :)

    My Adventures in Mommyland

  3. congratulations on your smileyness :) glad to meet you on the hop!
    Jo with Our Beautiful Mess

  4. Congrats on the feature!


Thanks for your kind comments-love to hear from you!