Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Break!

Don't we all need a spring break?
I am certainly due for one-
Our winter was brutal and
with spring around the corner,
I thought I'd show you a few touches
I've added to my home
to give my happy spring feel!
 birdies, cloches, paper rose topiaries
 felt flower topiaries, bee frame
birdies and eggs
more birdies

Do we see a trend?
SPRING means
 Birds, nests, eggs, flowers,topiaries, bees,dragonflies,
and whatever makes me smile-
it's just the beginning
it lightens the mood, puts a spring in my step
 makes me happy!
So, enjoy spring break
just don't forget the sunscreen!
Gotta fly-Claire
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  1. I love your touches of spring. Very nice! I need to get my house ready for spring;)

  2. So many sweet decorations! I'm just loving the little egg carton with the handle-- so charming!


Thanks for your kind comments-love to hear from you!