Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Labor Day!

The weather is magnificent-no humity-cool breezes-Just the kind of weather to think out home improvement projects-and do I have plenty! My new love affair with molding-I'll be posting some pics of the front hall although I don't think the before pics are gonna appear since no card in my camera-oops--no pics-dang-but I have some awful pretty after pics of the nest! The good ole' hollow doors are next and then I'm a creepin'up the staircase-Thrifty Decor Chick gives me so much inspiration I could explode! Well, not exactly, but you get my point- so with Labor Day right around the corner,I'll be heading to the depot for some cheapy molding and hopefully get started on my nesting projects sooner than later!! Have a great one. Gotta fly, Claire

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