Halloween was only a couple days away-
No costumes were requested by my nieces and nephews
Sunday night!
My nephew, ran over as I was putting the trash out-
(He lives across the street!)
He asked me if I knew what he was going to be for Halloween?
I assumed some sports player-
He said he was going to be a fox and
could I make it for him?
A fox?
Why would you want to be a fox?
Not just a fox, the you tube fox-
You know, the one that's gone viral-
"What does the fox say?"
This old lady had to google what that meant-
Norwegian brothers have hit it big on You Tube,
dressed as foxes and singing some crazy tune-
Three days before the big night, I had my work cut out for me-
Luckily, a quick trip through Walmart and
I scored some goodies-

I found a werewolf costume with a head mask that had similar ears-
A white fuzzy toilet seat cover-
The top had attached fur
The mask was amazingly grotesque
I cut the mask right above the eyes
and it resembled a gross skull cap
I sewed this toilet seat cover to the front of the brown costume
for the foxy chest
Brown gloves and a little makeup will finish the look-
He's a happy kid!!
Take care, gotta fly-
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