Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Down the garden path...

I love to garden
Every year I add to it-
But over the winter, some of the stepping stones
 in my garden paths have crumbled-

I've let it go
 but this week
 I decided it was time to fix things up!
I ran to Home Depot and scooped up 9, then 9 more the next day-
12 x 12" concrete blocks at $1.99 each-
They began like this....

with a base coat of acrylic paints
now, they look like this

and my funny one-

and now
 they are prominently displayed
in the garden!

At night-

So much better, don't you think?

Here are the pups wondering what this crazy lady
 is doing taking pictures of stones at night!!

Well, take care-gotta fly


  1. $1.99 what a steal! you know how much they are here?! Almost $4!

  2. Wow, great looking stepping stones! Love the 'wet my plants' one.
    Debbie :)

  3. Love your personalized garden path! ~ Maureen

  4. Those blocks are cute! Landscaping is a kind of creativity challenge, and from my perspective, you passed the test. :D Concrete blocks are cheap materials, but are plain and unattractive. What you did was really genius! But I think you’d have to impose a rule that no muddy shoe shall step onto it, haha! Great job!


Thanks for your kind comments-love to hear from you!