Monday, January 2, 2012

To Do List

We all make to do lists..

I always have them going-
things I need to get done for the week,
 the day, a holiday, a birthday...

As a new year begins, you have many resolutions

goals for the new year
mine always include
saving money
eating well
exercising body and mind

It all sounds really great
some get done
but I'm not always good with the follow through-

So, this year I am not making a list

I read the book It Works
(It's a remarkably short book,
 which makes me love it even more)

you can find it here on Amazon
the picture will bring you to the site
 that will change your life!
I read it monthly, at least
short, sweet and to the point
No flowery words
Just the facts ma'am!!
(I am not getting compensated for this post)

You live it
You do make a list
but the book tells you
 what you can include..

And it works!!
Just sayin'
So go check it out
It gives you a new lease on life

Positive thinking
that's what its all about-

Take care, gotta fly- Claire

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. hi claire, good advise...I'll check it out.... I'll add it to my "to do" list...oh dear,where did I put my list...just kidding!
    have a good one,marianne

  2. Hi Claire! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a nice comment. Always appreciated!! I browsed what you've been up've been a busy girl! Lots of creative projects! Happy to follow you back. ;)

  3. Looks interesting! I have a book that I pickup and read about once a month too, but just about one chapter. "The Law of Happiness" by Henry Cloud. It always inspires me :) Thanks for becoming a member, I really appreciate it!!!

  4. Thanks so much for following me! I am following your blog!

  5. Hi, Claire! I used to tease my father about all of his lists. Now, I even put stick-it notes on my steering wheel!
    Thank you for popping by my place!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN

  6. Wow sounds good, I think I will check that one out. Thanks for following me, I am following you back.

  7. Hi Claire,
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my dining room reno! I too made list the other day (maybe that will motivate me to accomplish more)! Here's to a fab 2012! Am following along!

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog! I am always happy to find a new blog friend. Your post about the little red book has me intrigued. I might just have to give it a try!
    :) Samantha

  9. So happy you stopped by for a visit! I look forward to following your blog throughout 2012.


  10. Hi Claire...this book...I just might have to get! Thanks for stopping by brought me to your wonderful blog. I looked back at some of your previous posts...and I am looking forward to following along in 2012!

  11. Hi Claire,
    Thank you for the kind words on my under the stairs playhouse. LOL, Your thoughts on the coming year are different from mine ... but we all dance to different music.

    I am looking forward to keeping up on your journey this year :) Hugs, Bj

  12. Fun ... I am your 500 follower. Woo Hoo

  13. Hi Claire, thanks for following! I hope you have a wonderful New Year, off to have a look around your lovely blog :) xo Kirsty

  14. Hmmm...interesting. Makes me want to check it out. No promises that I will love it :). But, I love something new!

  15. Thanks for stopping by Harrison Home blog! I LOVE the striped dresser you did!!! It is a perfect idea for my sons room!

  16. I make lists....but am much more successful with the on going one in my head....that way no one ever sees the stuff I don't get done! Happy New Year! I am pinning this so I get the book soon!

  17. I will definitely have to check this one out...I love The Secret...I don't read it over and over, sometimes just a passage or too.

    Jessica @ Mom 4 Real

  18. My to do list is HUGE too but I LOVE making it up & adding to it & checking things off - what a wonderful sense of satisfaction!


  19. I am SUCH a listmaker. Lists totally help me get things done. But this little book sounds so intriguing, I may just have to check it out.


Thanks for your kind comments-love to hear from you!