Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Most popular post

My most popular post of 2011
was my paper roses-

there were 2,971 page views
 for this project-wowza!!

I got the idea from Kim at cheap chic home
and it was time consuming
but worth it!!

I initially designed it as
wall art for Valentines Day

I decided to add to my collection
 of paper roses
 so I could create a topiary ball with them-
I still love it!

Thanks for checking it out!!

Gotta fly- Claire
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  1. Still loving those paper roses too! Thanks for sharing them with us.

  2. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog...I'm now following yours!

    This paper rose bouquet is so gorgeous!

  3. Love the paper roses! Beautifully done! :-)

  4. I can't get the link to work... help!! I'm dying to check this post out!!


Thanks for your kind comments-love to hear from you!