I've had a blast checking out all your blogs this week-
Meg of Megacrafty shows a fab tutorial
on these felted acorns and
her newest creation with decoupage-
How cute are these?
Trish and Bonnie created their own version
of the yarn wrapped "BOO"-
the bats add the perfect amount of scary-lol
perfect cuteness to add to your frightful night decor!
Another version of the wool acorn was crafted by
Tonia of the GunnySack-
these acorn are adorable
and her tutorial looks like a keeper!
This cheerful tiered treat holder
was created by Vanessa
using 3 plates and a couple small planters-
perfect for all your fall treats!
Thanks for letting me share all your creativity this week-
and I'll be back next week for some more eye candy for your pleasure!!
Thanks for featuring my project!