Monday, March 28, 2011

Joss and Main goodies

 You sign up for emails and you choose a password-plain and simple.
  They have unique home decor that makes you smile. 
These birdie hooks are adorable-the bunny and grass salad set is a chuckle-
adding that touch of spring in an unexpected place!

And if you like them on facebook!!
**In the spirit of sharing the Joss, help us reach 10,000 Facebook fans by Tax Day and be entered into our drawing to win a $1,000 e-spree! All you have to do is “Like Us” on Facebook. Spread the word - 10,000 by Tax Day and a $1,000 e-spree!

What a treat it would be to have a spree on Joss and Main-
I'm game-
go like them too-woohoo!!
Gotta fly-Claire

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Claire
    It's nice to meet you! Thank you for "following" my blog...artfully graced. I look forward to getting to "know" you.

    You certainly found lots of lovely things at Joss and Main...and at GW.

    I will be offline for a few son is getting married this week and there's so much to do. I'll be catching up early next week...


Thanks for your kind comments-love to hear from you!