Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thanksgiving name "cards"!

     Many years back, when my kids were young, I made these cute little name "cards" for my Thanksgiving table.  As my extended family grew, new hats were added. We are now up to 13 grandchildren and 11 adults.  They are so easy to make, your kids can help! Your kids will love it and your guests will feel extra special knowing everyone got involved in the tablescape!
      Paint a mini clay pot black, the rim is painted a different color.   My hats all have polka dots because I just love me some dots!  In my family , the men have dark blue rims, the women have red rims, the little boys have light blue rims and the little girls have pink rims! Cut out a tiny yellow foam piece to look like a buckle and a black foam circle underneath the pot to look like the hat brim!  The person's name in white along the rim and voila!  They add a cute, quirky little addition to each place setting and everyone knows exactly where to sit.
       Another cutie pattotie turkey to place at each setting  is this one!  A turkey picture holder, a paper leaf and written on the back of the leaf
is something or someone you are thankful for. Short, sweet but meaningful
to the recipient! Well, take care- Gotta fly-Claire
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Linking up at Savvy Southern Style, Made By You Monday at Skip To My Lou and Polly Want a Crafter!


  1. Cute ideas for name place cards. Thanks for linking up and could you please add my link to your post so others will visit the other participants.

  2. Hi Claire,
    I have always wanted to use place cards on my dinner table...Haven't had the chance to do so yet though...I think the little hats are a very creative idea. And how fun that you keep adding to your collection as the family grows. How quickly something turns from a creative and cute idea to a mini heirloom. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day.

    Hugs and Smiles,
    ♥Ana~A Petite Cottage

  3. Those hats are adorable. Great idea! I've never seen them, if it's your orginal idea you should send it in to Family Fun Magazine.

  4. So cute! Thanks so much for linking this up to the party this week!

  5. Such a cute idea~ these are adorable! Thanks for linking up to Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  6. These are soo stinkin cute! I made these with my Girl Scouts last year! They loved them. Thanks for sharing at my Pink Hippo party!

  7. What a fun idea to add a little Thanksgiving flair to the table. Love the turkeys and the Pilgrim hats. Thanks for sharing on Motivated Monday at BeColorful


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