Friday, October 8, 2010

I Got Framed!

I was strolling through Goodwill and spotted this huge picture.  It was very ugly.  It was very large.  It was $7.99.  It was beautifully perfect.  I took it home and gave it a quick spray.  I AM HAPPY.  You never know what you'll find when you enter Goodwill and that's why I love it.  This old picture was transformed into a chalkboard that looks like I could have purchased it from Ballard Designs.  These are the kind of projects that make my day.  So quick and it was a cheap fix! I love the look-well take care,gotta fly-Claire

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  1. Love the chalkboard you created! I too have found those really large, really not so pretty pictures in a great frame at the thrift store- a chalkboard is a fantastic fix!!! Yours came out beautifully! Thank you for joining Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  2. You have a real eye for transforming trash to treasure. I love the chalkboard solution...but I'm really in love with your queen bee burlap pillow. I'm gonna have to copy easy. Saying "hi" from a fellow Feathered Nest participant.

  3. Love it! You can't beat a good Goodwill frame! :)


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